Change your perspective.
For a comfortable everyday life.

Stories Move People.
Enhancing everyday life with entertainment. Designing spaces and sound technology into daily experiences, ensuring people can live comfortably and look forward with positivity.
Pursuing New Perspectives to Design JAPAN and Everyday Life.
Focusing on human emotions in daily experiences at cultural facilities, tourist exhibitions, hospitals, and transportation hubs.
Change Your Perspective.
For a Comfortable Everyday Life.

Keiko Yamaguchi 山口 慶子
Perspective Entertainment Inc.
CEO, Creative Director, Story Architect
代理店プランナーCDとしてJR・海外コンテンツメディア企業等担当を経て、中国電影集団の合弁企業運営・MITメディアラボ等多くの共創プロジェクトを推進。インタラクティブ企画・博覧会・海外ライブコンサート・水族館・JTI等海外店舗のデザイン等広告以外の映像と体験の総合プロデュース実施。ARアプリ・VRコンテンツ全国イベント実施、ミュージックビデオ等日常に非日常を持ち込むプロジェクトを推進。日本全国10の空港でメディア―ト展示を実施した文化庁のプロジェクトやTOKYO2020NIPPON フェスティバルコンセプトムービー、大阪・関西万博パビリオンディレクター他、アート関連案件多数。
iU情報経営イノベーション専門大学 客員教授 TCC会員
As an agency planner and Creative Director (CD) handling JR and various overseas content media companies, I have led numerous co-creation projects, including the joint venture operation of China Film Group and initiatives with MIT Media Lab3.I have implemented comprehensive production of visuals and experiences beyond advertising, such as interactive planning, expositions, overseas live concerts, aquariums, and design for JTI and other overseas stores4.I have promoted projects that bring the extraordinary into the everyday, such as AR apps, VR content national events, and music videos5.I have also been involved in numerous art-related projects, including the Agency for Cultural Affairs’ project that conducted media art exhibitions at ten airports across Japan and ,the TOKYO 2020 NIPPON Festival concept movieand Pavilion Director for the Osaka-Kansai Expo.
Guest Professor at iUInformation Management Innovation University and Member of TCC.

- Space & Architectural design
- Takahiro Imagawa
- Event producer
- Haruki Nakanishi
- Soundscape composer
- Kazuya Nagaya
- Asia related producer
- Takefumi Umino
- Graphic design
- Yuji Murata
- Interactive designer
- Shinsuke Ioloi


2024年8月1日(木)から8月31日(土)まで、博物館・美術館の未来を変える展⽰体験をエプソン販売株式会社、エプソンアヴァシス株式会社、株式会社TREE Digital Studioと共同開催。昨年の2倍以上の来場者になりました!
Immersive: The Great Wave 浮世絵師・葛飾北斎の代表作「神奈川沖浪裏」の世界に入り込み、体を使って波や押送船を動かせます。
Live Painting Digital Duo Alive Paintingの第一人者・中山晃子氏の動く絵画を下地に、体験者自身が体を動かすことでインタラクティブなデジタルインクがスクリーンに出現。絵に新たな流れを生み出しプロジェクションの中で合作できます。
From August 1st (Thursday) to August 31st (Saturday), 2024, we will jointly hold an exhibition experience that will change the future of museums and art galleries with Epson Sales Co., Ltd., Epson Avasis Corporation, and TREE Digital Studio Co., Ltd.Achieved more than double last year’s attendance!
Immersive: The Great Wave Enter the world of “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai, and use your body to move the waves and boats.
Live Painting Digital Duo Experience interactive digital ink on the screen by moving your body against the backdrop of moving paintings by Akiko Nakayama, a leading figure in Alive Painting. Create new flows in the artwork and collaborate within the projection.

2023年12月~2月まで実施のバレンタイン企画。アーティストCHOCOMOOのイラストでWATWINGを描き全店共通のキャラクター「ハートウイング」ちゃんも開発。 デザイン貢献したチョコやクッキー缶は約10分で売切れました!
Valentine’s project from December 2023 to February 2024. Illustrated by artist CHOCOMOO, who has depicted the dance music artist group WATWING. We developed the character “Heart Wing” for all Sogo & Seibu department stores.The new package design product sold out in 10 minutes!

Sound Hospital
We are also approaching medical institutions with our in-house development projects.
- 会社名
- 株式会社パースペクティブ・エンターテイメント
- 設立
- 2023年4月12日
- 資本金
- 5,000,000円
- 代表者
- 代表取締役 山口 慶子
- 会社所在地
- 〒105-6415 東京都港区虎ノ門1-17-1 虎ノ門ヒルズビジネスタワー 15F
- 2025.1.1 2025年開催計画中の日本とポーランドの共演コンサート協賛募集開始。 Sponsorship Opportunities Now Open for the 2025 Japan-Poland Joint Concert.
- 2024.12.1 空間価値創造PJ、複数企業共創プロジェクトとして協賛募集開始。 Space Value Creation Project: Sponsorship Opportunities Now Open for Multi-Company Co-Creation Initiative.
- 2024.12.1 Kyoto Sound Scape Project 始動。→ 24年新聞掲載の録音プロジェクトを活用フェーズへ。 Kyoto Sound Scape Project Launched: Moving to the Utilization Phase of the 2024 Newspaper-Featured Recording Project.
- 2024.11.2 新素材技術保有の企業とのプロダクト開発・プロトタイピング開始。 Commencement of Product Development and Prototyping with Companies Possessing New Material Technologies.
- 2024.06.27 エプソン販売株式会社、エプソンアヴァシス株式会社、株式会社TREE Digital Studio 3社との共同プロジェクトを発表!EPSON SQUARE MARUNOUCHIにて8/1-31展示 Epson Sales Co., Ltd., Epson Avassis Co., Ltd., and TREE Digital Studio Inc. announce a joint project! The exhibition will be held at EPSON SQUARE MARUNOUCHI from August 1 to 31. Achieved more than double last year’s attendance.